Monday, May 31, 2010

untuk die je..=(

meaningful lyrics

Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even with our fists held high
It never would have work out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop

I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
But someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone

Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
It started with the perfect kiss then
We could feel the poison set in
"Perfect" couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go

There's no moving on
So I'm already gone

Friday, May 7, 2010

rambut rosaklaa...caner ne....

rambut aku ne mmg cpt rosak && kering cz slalu d blow dry && kurang treatment.
plus aku ske iron rmbut..tu yg kering && mudah pth..

aku da pnh try mcm2 haircare products tp bnyk xmnjadi...
tp drpd experiments yg aku wt, aku rase rmbut aku ne sesuai gne l'oreal pnye products..
dulu pnh try mmg bgs tp ngade2 sgt pantang nmpk bnda kiut2 mst nk bli...(products lucido'l from korea or japan not so sure) mule2 pkai mmg okay tp lme2 rmbut aku jd kering pkai bnda ne..

so aku rase da tbe msenye kembali kpd l'oreal..

wt mase ne aku gunakan bnda alah ne haa..l'oreal elseve anti-frizz serum

lg satu...aku saje nk try shampoo dr toni&&guy...(kan da kp aku ne pantang nmpk bnda yg kiut2 plus ske try bnda baru)

aku amek yg aqua range cz sesuai utk rmbut yg slalu kne heat effect mcmla rmbut aku ne...1st time gne,mmg tertarik gle kt bau die..mcm bau kt salon.i likeee ! emmm wanginyeee...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

balik kampung

--siaran tertunda--

da lame xjumpe ayah && abg2 aku...
mak tiap2 bulan ttp rndu nk jmpe mak <3
smpai2 je da terhdg masakan fav aku iaituuu ayam masak kicap.hehe cdapnyeee..nyumnyum
pastu mak ade gk msk smbl udg..sup sayur && ikan msk merah..wahwah mcm smbut menantu je.hehe mak mmg excited klau ank ksygn die ne balik...

okay bwu je smp ne

pas da knyg aku g jejalan kt bp mall..walaweyhh sunyi sepi je mall ne nk jadi ape...
takut aku masuk pacific..sume snyppp je...mcm ade ape je...aku xbrani laa duk lame2 kt ctu..sbnrnye aku nk usha kasut utk konvo nti..almaklum..sejak habis blaja ne aku da jrg sgt3 pkai heels...tgklaa aku keje ape..xkn nk pkai heels..skng pon aku lbey ske pkai pump shoes je..selesa && lincah.yelaa aku ne kuat berjalan && jln nk cpt je..klau pkai heels kang terhegeh2 pulak..

tp utk konvo nti aku ingt nk cari wedges...sume kedai kasut aku da masuk,tp haram satu wedges pon aku x berkenan...cheesy wedges gk yg sedap..nyumnyumnyum !

tp akhirnye aku da jumpe wedges pujaan hatiku...kt fabiano ricco..i likeee ! tp...nape aku xbeli? haha da name pon nti aku blila kt jb je..kt jb pon ade la kedai jgn xde size da laa..promoter tu kate kt aku pattern wedges yg aku nk tu satu size ade sepasang je ! hukhuk jgnla,mulut aku ne slalu je masin.adoii !

okayy setelah agk bosan bejalan2 kt bp mall, my next destination is >>> al-ikhsan. xtaula nape lately ne aku suke bebenor jejak kaki kt butik sukan ne. ekceli aku nk cari jersey world cup brasil && england && ari tu aku ade nmpk jersey ke shirt tah ekk..yg brasil pnye color kuning kt al-ikhsan tebrau..cun kt cni xdela pulakk..

pastuh aku tryla tshirt jersy adidas color pink tuh..besar pulak..huhu xde size =( last2 aku grab je diadora pnye tshirt...cun gk r...for me laa..klau org kate xcun aku kate cun gk.haha sukatilaa. eyh lupe lak,aku bli gk cap nike color putih.i like ! =)

hah da pnt soping2 balik le umah nk mkn...da mkn relax2 dpn tb smbil borak2 ngn mak ngn ayah..&& sambil2 nk terlelap..ecehh wt muke kesian xnk balikla konon...gile kau xblik,esok keje pg ohh...balik2 !

manje2 ngn lala..luasnye dahi aku mcm flower horn.haha

okay pas mgrib aku pon mulekan perjalanan pulang ke jb...bosan okay !

&& bermulalah kembali rutin harianku......